
Olfactory Receptors (ORs) are the physical barriers between the environment and the brain. ORs are members of the GPCR-rhodopsin family, which is involved in cell recognition, signal transduction activation, and sense mediation. OR is made up of seven transmembrane (TM) helical domains bound by three putative extracellular loops (EL) and three putative intracellular loops (IL), an extracellular N-terminus, and an intracellular C-terminus. At the intersection of TM3 and IL2, the intracellular loop includes a conserved sequence motif, the aspartate-arginine-tyrosine (DRY) amino acid motif, which is a hallmark of GPCRs. The TM1, TM2, and TM7 are all conserved. The binding site specificity is determined by the amino acid side chains of the central TM domains, which are structurally diverse. The binding pocket of ORs has a hydrophobic environment, indicative of hydrophobic interactions between odorants and ORs. The binding specificity of ORs is influenced not only by the central TM-domains hyper-variable region, but also by the N-termini and C-termini. Both terminals are small, with only about 20 amino acids each. The conserved cysteine residues in the EL1 and EL2-loops are involved in inter- and intramolecular disulphide linkages. One of the three cysteine restudies in EL2-loop has a specific role. A metal binding site is formed by the sequence motif (HXXC[DE]) in EL2-loop. On binding with Zn(II) or Cu, the EL2-loop transforms into a -helical structure confirmation (eighth helix) (II).When an odorant with a high affinity for metal ions replaces one of the metal-ligated amino acids in the EL2-loop, ORs undergo structural rearrangement, which is necessary for the activation of G-olf proteins attached to OR receptors. On the cytoplasmic side of the TM domains, the sequence motifs KAFSTC, PMYFFL, and YRDYAM play a role in OR folding and activation. The amino acid residues on the extracellular side of TM domains are variable, indicating a wide range of possible odorant recognition sites.

OlfactionBase lists 2067 ORs from two species (Human (851) and Mus musculus (1216)).

Sr. No Receptor Organism Length Chromosome Family Sub Family UniProt GenBank #Odorants Details
1451 MOR40-12 Mus musculus 344 7 56 B Q7TRP6 NM_001011757 0 View
1452 MOR219-4 Mus musculus 332 7 14 A Q7TS06 NM_001011751 0 View
1453 MOR267-16 Mus musculus 314 8 10 K E9Q848 NM_146270 0 View
1454 MOR224-3 Mus musculus 311 9 10 D Q9EQ86 NM_146508 0 View
1455 MOR171-46 Mus musculus 308 9 8 D Q7TRB7 NM_146272 0 View
1456 MOR171-22 Mus musculus 308 9 8 D Q9EQA0 NM_146441 0 View
1457 MOR224-6 Mus musculus 310 9 10 D Q9EQ87 NM_146442 0 View
1458 MOR171-10 Mus musculus 306 9 8 G Q60884 NM_146747 0 View
1459 MOR171-24 Mus musculus 311 9 8 G Q9EQB4 NM_146439 0 View
1460 MOR171-25 Mus musculus 315 9 8 G Q9EQ93 NM_146438 0 View
1461 MOR224-4 Mus musculus 310 9 10 N Q60887 NM_146505 0 View
1462 MOR171-19 Mus musculus 311 9 8 G Q9EQ91 NM_146507 0 View
1463 MOR224-12 Mus musculus 316 9 10 D Q8VET5 NM_146279 0 View
1464 MOR171-42 Mus musculus 314 9 8 G Q9EQB6 NM_146331 0 View
1465 MOR171-2 Mus musculus 309 9 Q60893 AY318055 3 View
1466 MOR161-1 Mus musculus 310 9 8 B Q7TRE4 NM_146883 2 View
1467 MOR162-5 Mus musculus 309 9 8 B Q9EQA6 NM_146423 0 View
1468 MOR162-4 Mus musculus 314 9 8 B Q9EQA5 NM_146424 0 View
1469 MOR162-2 Mus musculus 309 9 8 B Q9EQA4 NM_146482 0 View
1470 MOR170-11 Mus musculus 312 9 8 C K7N678 NM_146336 0 View
1471 MOR171-13 Mus musculus 307 9 8 G Q9EQ96 NM_146614 0 View
1472 MOR171-44 Mus musculus 314 9 8 G Q9EQ92 NM_146326 0 View
1473 MOR171-3 Mus musculus 309 9 8 Q8VGE3 NM_030553 1 View
1474 MOR161-2 Mus musculus 310 9 8 B Q7TRE6 NM_146882 0 View
1475 MOR171-5 Mus musculus 314 9 8 G Q9EQB8 NM_146830 0 View
Showing 1451 to 1475 of total 2067 entries