Drinking Water wheel

Drinking water tastes and odor wheel. (Mel) Suffet I.H, Schweitzer L, Khiari, D. 2004. Environ. Sci. Bio/Technol. 3: 33.


Wastewater Odor Wheel

The value of an odor-quality-wheel classification scheme for wastewater plants. Suffet M, Burlingame G, Rosenfeld P, Bruchet A. Water science and technology: a journal of the International Association on Water Pollution Research. 2004. 50: 25-32.


Compost wheel

Sensory assessment and characterization of odor nuisance emissions during the composting of wastewater biosolids. Suffet IH, Decottignies V, Senante E, Bruchet A. Water Environ Res. 2009. 81(7):670-9


Wine wheel

The Professional Language of Wine: Perception, Training and Dialogue. Herdenstam A, Hammarén M, Ahlström R, Wiktorsson PA. Journal of Wine Research. 2009. 20: 53-84.


Urban SmellScapes

Urban Smellscape Aroma Wheel by Aiello L, Mcleon K, Quercia D.


Olfactory Classification

Olfactory Classifications map developed by Dr. Kate McLean. Available at https://sensorymaps.com